Monday, June 24, 2013

Second week of school!

So very sleepy...don't want to go to school. The second week of school started. English class was boring. English Conversation was boring. Then I went to study hall in the Library. I wanted to look at books  and ended up finding books on Hiroshima so I looked through a lot of those then I found a really big picture book with photos from the bomb. It was really interesting. Then I was just thinking that I'm going to go to the place where all of these pictures took place. It was an overwhelming feeling. All of the pictures were really sad and showed the aftermath of the bomb. It made me think why are innocent people the victims of political warfare? They have nothing to do with political matters, but they are the ones getting hurt while the political heads sit and watch as so many people are being sacrificed because of their decisions. This goes for any political matter even today. Wars, the soldiers for a country, military, everyone is a pawn of the political heads and they just sit there completely safe. That is one thing that completely bothers me. no one looks at the consequences that could happen or the possible outcomes, they just do what they want and they don't look at the outcome of humankind. Anyways....back to school. Then we had PE which was softball again. Then to lunch. I was sooo hungry. my lunch was another Bento and I bought a little pastry. Alison told me that her host mom told her that she doesn't have to come home until 6, so we thought we where just going to walk around after school. I don't know what we planned to do. After lunch I went to the writing class and had a conversation with some of the students. They were telling me that they wanted to go to America, and asked me if I miss it. I told them not really and I like it here better. They thought Japan was boring and they all liked America. Then math....just wrote in my journal. Will never understand math no matter what language it is in. After school Ally and I checked out all of the clubs. The tea ceremony room is really cool. But she wants to do swimming and I want to do orchestra. Afterwards we walked t o7-11  and got a little snack. The we said goodbye and I went to the Bus stop. It was the first time on the bus by myself so I was afraid I would get lost but I was fine. At home I ate my ice cream and decided to continue my study on Hiroshima so I read stories on A-bomb survivors and they all were very interesting and sad. I plan to continue my study because this weekend I am going to the Peace memorial and I want to research as much as I can.

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