Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Honesty and Trust

This is a very important to[pic for me. I have noticed that Japan is a very honest and trustworthy society. Everyone is honest and trusts each other. At Miyojima, they had little souvenirs at different shrines and exhibits. You had to pay for the souvenirs and put the money in a box by each souvenir. The thing is, that there wasn't anybody watching the souvenirs or cameras or anything, so it could be easily stolen. But everyone paid for the gift that they wanted. It was nice to see that trust in each other. When I go to school I see small elementary school kids in Kindergarten or 1st grade walking to school or riding public transportation by themselves. No one has to worry about them getting kidnapped or abducted. Another interesting thing I found was that when people parked their bikes, they didn't lock them up. Nobody would come to steal your bike, and these were expensive bikes with motors and electronic stuff on them. I didn't see any locks or chains or anything. I liked the trust each person had within the community. One more small thing  I noticed was the umbrella stands outside of school or stores. People would place their umbrellas there and then go shopping or go into school. Again, it would get stolen or taken. Also there aren't as many cameras as you see in America. Anyways, that was my rant on trustworthiness and honesty. I wish that someday, other countries can lean from such a wonderful example and role model.

1 comment:

  1. Your view points are shrewd!

    I'm happy too since you have fun in Japan.
    Kyoko from Tokyo
