Sunday, June 16, 2013

3rd Day!!

Finally today! Today after breakfast, my family asked me if I wanted to see Miyojima. I had no clue what that was but I am glad I said yes. It was amazing!!! There was so much history and culture it was so different from anything that I have seen. I practiced some Japanese words too. We ate Momiji Manju which is a small cake with anko inside (bean paste). It was delicious! We did so much! I bout an umbrella that has a pattern on it when rain hits it. There were deer everywhere! One tried to eat my dress lol. Miyojima was so cool! We also took pictures by the famous Tori!! After Miyojima we went to a little clothes shop that was amazing! Everything there was under $20 and everything was cute! I bought a couple of things lol. After that we went for dinner  at a conveyor belt sushi restaurant. I ate Natto for the first time and I didn't like it ( it tasted like feet and throw up).  I tried a lot of suchi and it was good. I am going to get sooo fat! lol Tomorrow I start school!! So excited! I even get to wear their cute uniform! XD

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