Sunday, June 16, 2013

First day with Host Family!

First that day we checked out of the hotel that I had to stay one night in. Japanese game shows are weird! I WILL have a video. It had Michael Jackson and creepy PE teachers. Anyways, culture shock hasn't hit me. I am kind of neutral, it's weird.  I thought that it would have already. I was really nervoud on the Shinkansen (Bullet Train) that I had a 4 hour ride to get to Hiroshima Station. We went past Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe and more. They were all very pretty. I met Mama and Akari at the station, they were excited to see me. Then we drove past the school and I introduced myself to the man watering the garden. Then we went to the Supermarket. That was fun (people were staring). Mama told me to grab anything that I wanted but that was hard. Afterwards we went home to the apartment. Akari helped me carry my luggage. And we both share a room. The Apartment is small but cozy. I like it. ^__^ We sleep on very comfortable futons. She gave me closet space to put my clothes, Then we cooked Okonomiyaki. I tried to make one and failed miserably. then I had to make one for Papa and it was beautiful! Flipping is hard lol. After dinner Akari and I went for a walk around the neighborhood and she showed me the bus stop and the little convenience stores around and we talked a little. On Wendsdays I will go with Akari to her English Conversation school. I can actually understand most of what they are saying. Akari speaks a little english so we teach each other words in Japanese and English. They are all so nice. I gave then Omiyage (gifts) and they loved them! They gave me a Yukata!! I LOVE IT!!!! The geta (Japanese traditionals sandals) doesn't fit though...... I also borrowed a uniform for school! Video soon!

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