Monday, June 17, 2013

First Day of School!!

Today I went to school for the first time.I rode the bus for 20 minutes and then walked for a couple of minutes. Mama packed me a delicious adn cute Bento!! I was really nervous going to school. My first class was English. As I was walking down the hall girls came out of the classrooms to stare. I introduced myself and was treated like a celebrity by the girls. We went to church for about 15 minutes too. I had no clue what they were saying but I followed along. After English I went to English Conversation. It was boring but it was fun listening to how they spoke English. When I spoke they were amazed at the pronunciation. Then I went to the library for study hall. I was the only one there......I found a book about like in America. It was so stereotypical lol. After study hall we had P.E. We changed clothes in the classroom, so that was different. It was sooooo hot outside, I was about to pass out, but I didn't. We had to run across the field as a warm up and I was the fastest one, afterwards they were talking about how fast I was. Then we played softball games. I noticed that P.E is different than in America. Everyone actually tries and the teams are nice to each other. Everyone knows what to do and the teacher barely has to step in. It was nice because everyone was trying their best. I was actually good at Softball. They even put me as Pitcher which I was surprisingly good at. After class we changed and had lunch. I ate my cute bento and we all sat together and I answered questions that they had  about America. Everyone called me "Kawaii" which means cute. I was surprised and they all liked my eyes. Someone asked me how I did my hair, and I told her it was natural. She was surprised XD. Then I went to the Advanced English writing class. Everyone's English was so good! The class was split into 6 groups of 2 or 3 and each group had to guess 7 things about me as a warm up and I had to say how many they got right. Most of them thought I looked like a Jessica, I played Tennis and I came from Australia. I think all of them guessed that my favorite sport was Tennis, but I don't like Tennis. That was fun. Then I went to math and didn't understand ANYTHING. I thought I had something and then lost it. They go by everything so quickly. She wrote the problem on the board gave no time. Then I rode home on the public bus. The bus card is called a Buspii lol. Then I came home and ate desserts because it is really hot.For dinner we had curry rice!!! SOOOO GOOD.  No video for this one because no phones in school.

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