Friday, June 28, 2013

Locked out of the House!

I woke up really tired today because I decided to stay up last night. I went to school and in English I read my book and then I was asked to answer a question about English grammar and something about infinitives. What are infinitives? I couldn't answer the English question....English is complicated. You don't see how complicated it is until learning it in a different country. Then I had English Conversation instead of study hall. I like my study hall....well it was kind of boring. Then to music which is like chorus/music theory which wasn't fun. Then lunch, I have been waiting for this moment for the entire day! I had curry rice from the cafeteria which was amazing. They have real food there. Then to Japanese class which was fun but more boring than usually because I was tired. Then instead of homeroom we went to see a guest speaker. I was so tired and I didn't understand what he was talking about, I almost fell out of my chair a few times. I was so ready to go home. I went home with Akari and they let me borrow a violin from school. Mama wasn't going to be home today so it was only me and Akari. As we were walking home I was thinking about whit if she lost her key. We got to the apartment and she couldn't find her key. Then we walked to the phone booth so she could call her dad that we were locked out of the house. On the way I told her that she was going to find her key in her bag later. When we got to the phone booth, she looked in her bag to grab money and found her key. Apparently I can tell the future lol. Then we got home and ate some snacks then Akari past out for the rest of the day and I read my book. I was too tired to go running today so I'll do it tomorrow.

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