Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Lunch At The Cafe!

Today, Alison and I had to write another essay and we decided not to go to the library again so we went to a small classroom. We drew pictures on the chalkboard the whole time which was fun. After school was over I decided to go to Alison's house. We changed out of our clothes and left to go find somewhere to eat lunch. We walked all the way to Hiroshima station but nothing there looked good so we started walking back. On the way back we saw some classmates but they didn't recognize us because we weren't wearing uniforms. We kept walking and had to choose between a variety of cafes. As we were searching, Alison had seen a guy who wasn't from Japan with 2 Japanese guys. She thought he was cute lol. Anyways we ended up going to a cafe called The Little Mermaid. The food was great. They had a lot of different breads and pastries.  After we sat down, the 3 guys that Alison saw earlier coincidentally  came in and sat at the table next to us. After about 5 minutes, very suddenly Alison asked the guy where he was from. I made this face mixed between being surprised and a glare.  He was from Canada and is a college student as well as the Japanese boys. He is studying here for engineering. There is no way that I would just start asking someone questions like that....I'm not that brave lol. Anyways she talked to him the whole time while I was in my own world eating my delicious pastries. After we finished we were about to head back to Alison's house. The guys left first and then we left walking the same direction. They looked confused and then turned around and asked if they were close to Shukkein. They were going the wrong way so we told them how to get there and then went to the house. We watched a Naruto movie until I had to leave. It was really funny, but Alison didn't get to finish it because I had to leave so I told where to find it and then I went home.

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