Friday, July 12, 2013

Locked Out!

Today was a school day but this is the day everyone gets their exams back. I only took the English one. We were given another essay to do and put into separate rooms. We could see each other after they were done. After I was done I went into Alison's room where I just practiced my Kanji. Each class was 30 minutes long and I was supposed to go to homeroom at 5th period to get my test back. It was hard to keep track of the classes since we weren't given a time schedule. I started to eat lunch in the classroom when Jerry came in and said I was supposed to be down there already. He didn't seem very happy about it. I said I was sorry and sprinted down stairs. We were given our tests and I had the best score. Everyone had 39 or 40 out of 76 and I had 72. I can't blame them, English is hard. After that Jerry told us to go to Hiroshima Castle. I already went but Alison hasn't so we walked there and looked around for a bit, then we went back. It wasn't very long that we were there. It was very hot outside. When we got back we had Japanese Class. That class is always fun for me. Alison fell asleep.... My Japanese teacher said that she wanted a copy of the poem I made about 2 weeks ago about the bomb. She will be in the peace day performance and wanted my poem for it. So I thought that was cool. Then I went home but nobody was there and I didn't have a key but I didn't panic. I just went to buy ice cream and took a 3 hour walk around the neighborhood until Akari came home. Apparently I was supposed to stay at school for a presentation.....oops. Well I took a walk....and ate ice cream. Then for dinner we ate Yaki Niku which was great! No school tomorrow so more sightseeing. Akari will be going to Disneyland with her friends but I can't go because it is expensive. So I decided that I will go to Akiyoshidai which has a cave and beautiful landscapes. It will take about 3 hours to get there though.

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