Friday, May 31, 2013

Next Weekend!!!! :D

So now it is the weekend and I have 10 MILLION projects to do!!.....ok maybe not that many but still a lot. I have started packing and this weekend I am going to go shopping :). 9 DAYS AWAY!!!! I leave next weekend! I have been waiting for this moment for 2 years :D. I will post a video next weekend before I leave. It will be about what I am bringing and how the traveling will go. I also told my host sister that I can't go to Disneyland because it is so expensive :(, but we will do other fun things. I was wondering....what if I brought warheads to japan and gave them to my classmates? XD I might do that lol. I will try to blog everyday and make a video everyday! :D I can't wait!!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tokyo Disneyland??

So I have a small host sister wants me to go with her to Disneyland Tokyo for 3 days with her friends. The problem is that it costs about $600. :(( That was all the money I was going to bring. If I went I wouldn't have money for anything but I really want to go...I don't know what to do!!! :(

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Excitement!!!

I am super excited as the countdown continues! :D And I know everyone else is too! I just can't wait to meet everyone and actually go to Japan! The excitement is killing me!!!.......*not going to sleep tonight* or any other night :)  I feel that I have now watched every video on Youtube ever related to Japan. I would say that I'm well prepared lol. My host sister also sent me a picture of what their uniforms look like! It kind of reminds me of the K-On! uniforms. Anyways....11 days away!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait! But first I need to get all of my final projects finished first before the real excitement begins! Videos soon!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Host Family and Travel Info!

So today I recieved my official Host Family information. I will be in Hiroshima with Katsumi and Hiromi Takesato. They have 2 children, a 16 year old girl and and 21 year old boy who does not live with them. I am soo excited! Only 12 days away! I will be spending 1 night in Tokyo then the next day I will go to a train station to Hiroshima! They also sent me this cool lanyard and luggage tags!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Host Family!!!

Today I found out that I have a 16 year old host sister! She is the same age as I am!!(〃^∇^)ノ She said that she wanted to take me to a lot of places and her classmates are excited to meet me! ^__^ excitement level 200%. I will be staying in Hiroshima as well. I will be posting videos as my departure time nears! Keep following! :D

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Counting Down! ^__^

YFU sent me a book with a packing list and California Itinerary in it! It's so exciting! 26 more days!!! I kind of already started packing because I'm bored and have nothing else to do....even though I'm not leaving for another 3 weeks. Tomorrow I have my Chemistry SOL! I just want to get it done and over with....and every other test that I have to take. It's ok because soon enough I will be on the airplane to California!!!!!!!!

" “Living in a world such as this is like dancing on a live volcano.”
                                                                 -Kentetsu Takamori

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Local Orientation!

Yesterday I went to my local orientation from 10 am to 6pm in Maryland. It was a 4 hour drive there and 4 hours back. (I was to tired to post yesterday lol).
Orientation was great!! I made so many new friends and meet exchange students from all over the world (Finland, Sweden,Germany, Chile,Tanzania, Japan,South Korea,Thailand and Morocco)! I might even meet up with my japanese friend in Japan! :D. It was really fun, except I have to ride the plane to California by myself :(, because everyone lives close to Maryland....and I live in Virginia Beach :(. 3 weeks away!!!! Still have so much to do! :DDD I have a bunch of homework and SOL's and finals and AP tests.....errrrrr. Oh well after all that is taken care of I'm off!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


So apparently my dad recieved a phone call saying that my JAFS scholarship has been turned into a full ride!!! Is that even possible?!! I'm soooo excited!!!!! :DD I won the Mazda National!!!!! OMG!!!! AHHHHH!!!! I'm going to Japan for free!alkdfjlafjlasjflsafjlk;asfjl;a Words can't describe my feelings at this moment! (●⌒∇⌒●)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Passport!!! (°∀°)

My Passport finally came in!! I'm so happy!ヾ(●⌒∇⌒●)ノ I also got some more donations from my family. My total donations are about $600+, I'm not exactly sure. Family is soo generous ^_^. This weekend is the Local orientation for Japan! It's another step closer to going!!! 38 more days until I leave! That sounds like a long time actually (╥﹏╥). I just want to take my SOL's, AP test and exams and LEAVE. GOODBYE AMERICA!!! Hello Japan *hehe*(─‿‿─)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

♫Donations and School and Randomness♫

So I got another donation from my grandparents even though I don't know exactly how much it, but I don't care because everything counts! My first donation was $200! I was surprised because I didn't expect it to be that much. (。◕‿◕。) Still working on getting donations and such. Studying that Japanese, making lists of gifts I have to get my friends and family and also something for my host family. I was thinking local candy, a photo album and something from Virginia Beach. I don't want to get them something to expensive because then they would feel they would have to get me something expensive in return.≧◡≦ So excited!!!!! 1 month away!!!! It seems so far but yet so close! I just want to take my SOL's and exams and leave! I'm ready!!!!! *calm down* Ok.....back to business....sorry (◕︵◕). I have an AP World test to take that I am totally terrified of....I don't want to (╥﹏╥). Other random stuff: I recently started watching Vampire Knight and I love it!!! I know I'm late but whatever....I love Shojo (。◕‿◕。). Well I guess that's it for know!! Talk to you guys soon!! ♥♥

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

So I am kind of late getting a blog.....I wanted to start this a couple months ago!(≧o≦) Oh well, I have one now so you can keep up with me as I travel to the wonderful country of Japan! !ôヮô I won the Japan America Friendship Scholarship!! Today I also got inducted into my school's Japanese National Honor Society! 私はうれしいですよ! I applied for my passport last week so it should be coming in the mail shortly (I expedited it). I am thinking about host family gifts. I am going to make them a photo album about my school, family and friends. I think they will love it! I am also going to make a video to show everyone else I meet. If they have kids I will probably get them some candy and something cute from the ocean front (I live in Virginia Beach) haha. There is still so much to do!! My dad still has to call the medical insurance place to check there policy, I have to get required shots....I hate needles o(╥﹏╥)o,we still have to pay the tuition and also the orientation next week. I'm soooo excited! What else.....hmmm, I can't think of much! haha. Last year I applied for a scholarship and actually won the same one! I just couldn't pay the tuition ●︿●...but this year I'm actually going and I can't wait to meet everyone!!!! ヾ(●⌒∇⌒●)ノ If you have any questions or just want to talk go right ahead! I won't bite....or will I *giggle*. (─‿‿─)